
This website is my blog. I am not a professionally trained chef. Rather, I am a just a person with a full-time job making food at home for myself, family and friends and thought it would be fun to share some recipes and my thoughts on food!

Unless otherwise stated, the recipes on this blog are my creations or adaptations of recipes I have come across. Where I have reposted other people’s recipes I always endeavour to write these in my own style and to credit the original author and link back to the original source wherever possible. Where recipes are adaptations, again, credit will always be given to the original version. If you do not feel this is sufficiently clear please contact me.

The recipes have been tried and tested, but any recipes used from this site by anyone is at their own risk. While recreating, you may not always achieve the same results due to various reasons including, but not limited to, individual cooking ability and skill level, quality of ingredients, ingredient variations and substitutions, cooking equipment and appliances etc. Therefore, while care has been taken to provide readers with accurate information, users are advised to use their discretion before using the information on this blog.

As the owner of this food blog, I assume no responsibility or liability for any consequences resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction taken as a result of following information contained on this site or in any linked materials. I do not accept any legal liability or responsibility for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use of, reliance upon, or interpretation of any information contained on this site or in any linked materials. Therefore, readers are to use their discretion should they choose to cook and/or consume the dishes made from recipes found on this site. I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietician. I have no medical training at all. Therefore please ensure you consider your own health and safety if attempting any of the recipes on this site i.e. dietary requirements, allergies etc.

The recipes presented are intended for entertainment and/or informational purposes and for use by persons having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk.

In other words:

While I prepare the recipes at my own risk, I assume that should you desire to follow the recipes in this blog, you are doing so “at your own risk.” I am not liable, not responsible and do not assume obligation for:

·         Adverse reactions to food consumed such as food poisoning and any kind of food-borne disease

·         Misinterpreted recipe

·         Domestic accidents, including but not limited to fires in your kitchen, any bodily harm or damage done to property

·         Allergic reactions

I make no warranties for the outcome of your food experiments.

For various reasons, it may be necessary to update older posts on this site. I am not bound to state all changes made or to give any notification of the said changes.

My blog may include stories and/or opinions about content creators, chefs, restaurants, food producers, retailers, companies and others involved with, or related to, the food and beverage industry and I may provide a link to their websites or reference their publications. I do not take any responsibility for the content and links on third party websites referenced on this blog.

Copyright information


All recipe related photos on this website (excluding the ‘About’ page) are either taken or owned by me and are copyrighted. It takes a lot of time and hard work to be able to fill the website with beautiful photos so please do not copy unless you have my prior agreement to do so.


If you are a fellow food blogger and you would like to use any of my recipes on your blog, I am happy for you to do so but please use your own words to describe your experience and making of it and do not copy any of the text or photos used on the original recipe page. You should clearly link back to the recipe post here on the Tum Yum Yum website.


All articles and recipes on this website are written by me, copying and reusing any of the text here for your website/blog is not allowed.

Please contact me if you would like to use any of the recipes or you are a magazine/website that would like to publish it. I may agree to certain exceptions on the above but please contact me first, I would be more than happy to work with you.

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time with, or without, notice.